CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien Tour

Alternating Saturdays

10:00am | 1.5hrs

An image of the famous "Narnia" Door that inspired the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. It has golden fawns decorating the sides and a face etched in the centre.
An Oxford Walking Tours guide stands in the front quad of an Oxford College and explains the origins of the Inklings and the relationship between CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien.
An picture of the 'Oxford heads' that sit on top of gates in front of the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. The heads are made of limestone and depict the busts of old men with beards in Roman tunics.
An Oxford Walking Tours guide stands on Broad Street in Oxford on a cloudy day with a group of tourists and explains the literary history of the city.

Interested in a private tour or group booking? We offer both!